Automatic movement lead to cancer recur with us every day!!

They blow hot food to cool it a lot when repeated daily Khashatefna
  Every morning I learn that the Prophet peace be upon him forbade such an act transceiver to Aantq of passion .. And scientific truth says that there are bacteria in our bodies his friend .. unlike those harmful and helps the body fight certain diseases .. They are found in the throat .. But when the man .. blown out of these bacteria with the air outside of the inner man, but once contact with the hot surface of the bacteria turn out to be harmful, leading to cancer. Ajarna God and you and of what is mentioned advise against blowing on hot food or drink Baksaddalnbarad .... It was narrated from Abdullah bin Abbas said: ((the Messenger of Allah forbade peace be upon him to breathe into the vessel, or blow it)) Narrated Abu Dawad. To graduate before they pray to Allah
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