Attack on the Saudi and Yemeni students in Jordan

University of Mutah witnessed an attack by the students of Jordanian students on the Saudis and Yemenis on the impact of a quarrel arose after the Jordanian students breaking exhibition was hosted by Gulf and Yemeni students.
Jordanian newspapers said that the transfer of 5 patients were Saudis and Yemenis by the argument to the hospital. She described the sources of the military hospital of patients, five moderate and simple.
And The Minister of Higher Education by little Maati apology for international students and what happened to them during her interview at the Deanship of Student Affairs at the University of Mutah stressing that the perpetrators of these students will be dismissed melee and take measures towards the participants from outside the university. She added that the melee are an insult to all Jordanians.
To the Director of Student Affairs University of resignation, sources said that the incident was used sticks, stones and tools exhibition of foreign students, which has been vandalized and broken during the brawl as a result of overcrowding of students and Tgmehrhm and lack of space, adding the sources to help the university does not entitle the security services access to the campus to quickly resolve quarrel .
The Jordanian information circulating on the Internet that started fighting each other Jordanian students drunken breaking exhibition of Yemeni students and then other gangs came from the same clan to do the attack on all Gulf and Yemeni students present there