19 people in a large fire in Doha photos and video

Country was 19 killed, late Monday, including 13 children in a large fire broke out in the Villagio complex, one of the largest malls in the Qatari capital Doha.
Rushed and fire and rescue teams to control the fire and take the necessary safety procedures.
No group Qatari Interior Ministry at first casualties, but they later reported via Twitter that calculated on the "stakeholders limit losses caused by fire, whether in physical or human lives."
The ministry said today that he will be holding a press conference to reveal the circumstances of the fire and the damage that resulted from it.
The center is one of the most important Villagio shopping malls and most popular, and has a cinema hall and amusement park and ski, designed in the Italian style, and close to the Aspire Centre, which is the largest sports center closed in the world